

I just want to remind everyone that the entire basis of this blog was for anyone who wanted to contribute could do so. This was meant to be a public domain for anyone to write a letter to someone. Could be someone that reads this blog, could be a letter that was never meant to be read, etc. That's where the whole correspondence thing originates from. I wanted it to be a long formed message board where people could communicate. I also use it for other things. I'm trying to write reviews as much as possible because I still have hope that I can freelance write somewhere and I'd like to have a nice portfolio I can show off.

Anyway, I'm asking for people who want to contribute to this. I'm not going to be snobbish about it at all. All that I ask is that you put something here. It'll keep me honest too. I have to do my part also. Write to us. Someone will respond. Post your art, post your Youtube links, post your mixtapes. Let's share. I think everyone will benefit. Thank you.

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