5:04 Pm at work. Thought I'd bust some free association.
Ultra bright florescent lights humming and hanging over me. Desk a mess, just cleaned a plate of buttered popcorn with flavored salt followed by a power-white donut aka fang sinking puffs of greatness. Going to scarf some seafood in a bit with the renewal sales team. Lobster rolls, sourdough bread, and an assortment of other sea life I presume. Passing the time - our reservation is at 6:00. Took me 5 minutes to write that. I guess I'm not really free-associating. If I was it'd go something like this....turd baskets explode with eruptive force as the M-80 slim shady stick a dyno goes rhino stabbing esophegus pancreatic fat matter. Surely, I'm insane like 47 dwarfs in a catapillar line, outfit is elf sweats embroidered with sigfreid and roy lions glistening with rave sparklets purchaed from Michaels. Dirty dancing Baby and Swaze eskimo kissing while flamencoing into the night. This is the time of you life having. Life having nothing but blue furn meadows arms out airoplaning through creating alien crop fields Nesse couldn't mess with.
Crotch tight jeans - semi snug, semi torturous, semi - woodrow all in one shot = semi ridiculous suffocation devise made socially feasable by emo standards. Tickle me elmo is grover painted red with a vice gripped tightly around scrotum causing squeeky pontificiations of non-sense. But we all spew non-sense. Spew like radio-active snot traversing down a rusty tube splashing rapidly on the crinkly forehead of an asian Grandmother on her way to Ranch 99 to buy some 2 for 1 catfish.