So almost a month later, Spiz drags his new wife to the cave with all the recording equipment. We talk marriage, the ceremony, the honeymoon and there are the musical breaks in between. There ain't nothing left to say because I've been sleeping really late this week playing Resident Evil 5. Enjoy the time we spend together. Subscribe to the show on iTunes, review the show on iTunes, leave a comment on this post and we'll read it next week.
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Thoughts on Fallout 3 and What I Plan To Do With My Time
So I finally finished Fallout 3 and I have to say that it would have given Left 4 Dead some competition for "Best Game Evar 2008" had I played it last year but I didn't really pick it up until Christmas and by then I was already stuck on playing Left 4 Dead so I didn't give Fallout 3 much time. I played it for a few hours but found myself getting really annoyed with the game because I felt like my character was so weak that getting into combat was not fun. Fighting mutated moles was too challenging and usually left me with an smidgen of HP. I used to think, "How can anyone think this is fun?"
A couple of weeks ago I gave the game another shot. I didn't try to do quests right away, rather, I just kept fighting Mole Rats and whatever little creatures I could. I just wanted to level up a little and find more guns and ammo. Once I built up a nice collection of weapons, I played some quests and it just became more and more interesting. My character got stronger and the perks were really interesting. I chose to have a Cannibal perk which allowed me to eat humans to gain HP back but every time you ate someone's butt you would lose karma. Also I felt punished every time I ate someone because the camera angle would switch from first person to third person. You have to watch your character eat someone, sound effects included. I thought that was interesting to show that. It's like the game developers wanted you(the player) to see what a fucking asshole you are. I sort of regretting choosing that perk but I never gave it a second thought if I was close to death. "Do what you gotta do." That's what I kept saying all throughout the game.
Some of the scenarios the game put you in really made me think differently, in terms of gaming. I won't spoil things because you should experience the game for yourself. When I play RPG's, usually I try to play the good role; I try to answer politely and I didn't kill if I didn't have to. However, I slowly found myself playing more evil because that would get me the most stuff. I needed to kill because I needed food, money, or guns. After one quest where I reluctantly chose the evil route, I got so mad at myself that I went on a killing spree. I killed a roaming salesman because I wanted blueprints for a weapon and they were ridiculously expensive. I thought, "Shit, what's stopping me from just killing this guy and taking his stuff? I'm going to do that."
Fallout 3 questions your morals. You might do the right thing now, but what if you woke up and actually saw the world and there was nothing but destruction. Would you act the same way? I sure wouldn't have I guess. It was a very thought provoking experience and you can't help but enjoy that feeling. One complaint(besides what I said earlier about being a weak ass at the beginning)is that the ending came out of nowhere. It was very abrupt and that made me really angry, but Bethesda just released some DLC that supposedly changes the ending, as well as increases the level cap from 20 to 30 so I'll be definitely picking that up so I can play some more in The Capital Wasteland. Do some quests, shoot some mutants in the face, get radiated, etc.
Now that I'm jobless, I celebrated today by going to my local library to borrow the first three volumes of The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore. It's a comic series that the former fucktards behind GFW Radio and the current fucktards of the Out of the Game podcast champion as a must read series. I was there at the library with the wife and it just crossed my mind to see if they had it and they did so I picked them up. I'm still reading Murakami but I'm flying though this first volume of Walking Dead so I can read both. Someone read Walking Dead with me so we can talk about it on teh podcast.
Not only did I get Resident Evil 5 in the mail, I also picked up Raiden Fighter Aces. It's a compilation of all the Raiden games. You remember those games. It was all the thugs were playing at TV Arcade when they weren't playing Street Fighter II. It's a shmup and that's one of my favorite genres. It was only $20 bucks so it was an automatic purchase. I'm sorta debating whether or not to get the new Punch Out Wiimake. I wasn't planning on getting it, but Amazon has it for $40 bucks and that might be the sweet spot in terms of price. I've played Punch Out so many times and they didn't change much(so I've heard) but it got a decent make over and Punch Out is still fun. I just lost my job but I signed up for unemployment and I got some pension monies coming so of course I'm going to get some games. Plus I still need to pack up. Lots to do I guess.
A couple of weeks ago I gave the game another shot. I didn't try to do quests right away, rather, I just kept fighting Mole Rats and whatever little creatures I could. I just wanted to level up a little and find more guns and ammo. Once I built up a nice collection of weapons, I played some quests and it just became more and more interesting. My character got stronger and the perks were really interesting. I chose to have a Cannibal perk which allowed me to eat humans to gain HP back but every time you ate someone's butt you would lose karma. Also I felt punished every time I ate someone because the camera angle would switch from first person to third person. You have to watch your character eat someone, sound effects included. I thought that was interesting to show that. It's like the game developers wanted you(the player) to see what a fucking asshole you are. I sort of regretting choosing that perk but I never gave it a second thought if I was close to death. "Do what you gotta do." That's what I kept saying all throughout the game.
Some of the scenarios the game put you in really made me think differently, in terms of gaming. I won't spoil things because you should experience the game for yourself. When I play RPG's, usually I try to play the good role; I try to answer politely and I didn't kill if I didn't have to. However, I slowly found myself playing more evil because that would get me the most stuff. I needed to kill because I needed food, money, or guns. After one quest where I reluctantly chose the evil route, I got so mad at myself that I went on a killing spree. I killed a roaming salesman because I wanted blueprints for a weapon and they were ridiculously expensive. I thought, "Shit, what's stopping me from just killing this guy and taking his stuff? I'm going to do that."
Fallout 3 questions your morals. You might do the right thing now, but what if you woke up and actually saw the world and there was nothing but destruction. Would you act the same way? I sure wouldn't have I guess. It was a very thought provoking experience and you can't help but enjoy that feeling. One complaint(besides what I said earlier about being a weak ass at the beginning)is that the ending came out of nowhere. It was very abrupt and that made me really angry, but Bethesda just released some DLC that supposedly changes the ending, as well as increases the level cap from 20 to 30 so I'll be definitely picking that up so I can play some more in The Capital Wasteland. Do some quests, shoot some mutants in the face, get radiated, etc.
Now that I'm jobless, I celebrated today by going to my local library to borrow the first three volumes of The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore. It's a comic series that the former fucktards behind GFW Radio and the current fucktards of the Out of the Game podcast champion as a must read series. I was there at the library with the wife and it just crossed my mind to see if they had it and they did so I picked them up. I'm still reading Murakami but I'm flying though this first volume of Walking Dead so I can read both. Someone read Walking Dead with me so we can talk about it on teh podcast.
Not only did I get Resident Evil 5 in the mail, I also picked up Raiden Fighter Aces. It's a compilation of all the Raiden games. You remember those games. It was all the thugs were playing at TV Arcade when they weren't playing Street Fighter II. It's a shmup and that's one of my favorite genres. It was only $20 bucks so it was an automatic purchase. I'm sorta debating whether or not to get the new Punch Out Wiimake. I wasn't planning on getting it, but Amazon has it for $40 bucks and that might be the sweet spot in terms of price. I've played Punch Out so many times and they didn't change much(so I've heard) but it got a decent make over and Punch Out is still fun. I just lost my job but I signed up for unemployment and I got some pension monies coming so of course I'm going to get some games. Plus I still need to pack up. Lots to do I guess.
fallout 3,
video games

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