
Special Thanks

My Family

Thank you so much for doing everything you did for the wedding. Ma and Step-pop: thank you for all the guidance. Bro and sis: The bridal party wouldn't have been complete without you, especially you bro. Thank you for being my best man. All the Aunties and Uncles: Y'all were looking sharp. Thanks for coming out. It was awesome to see all of you. COUSINS! All the little ones: You are all adorable and I will never forget my flower girls and bearers. Michelle: You knocked it out of the park again. You were one of the few things I wasn't worried about because I knew you would sing and play beautifully. The picture of my side of the family was huge. We roll deep mang!

My New Family

The new in-laws: Thank you for supporting us and for taking me in. I'm going to do my best to be a good son in-law and brother in-law. New Ma-Dukes: One of my favorite moments of the evening was dancing with you. Thank you very much. New Pa-Dukes: I know we're going to get along great. We already do. Thank you for everything. Sister in-law: Rad presentation and even radder present. I'll be there for your wedding too. You both got the bouquet and the garter so it's meant to be. My new Canadian family: It was wonderful to see all of you. I felt great joy seeing you and my family together sharing this special moment with us. Hopefully we'll head up in your direction for some smoked meat and poutines. Thanks for the dance Nana.

The Skweeze

Dibs, TL, and CJooks: I really fucking appreciate your service as groomsmen. I don't know what else to say. Thank you for being there for me. Probably shouldn't have stayed out till 4am the night before watching 70's dementia. Yes we should have. Poozle: I'm so glad you stuck around for the big day. Just your presence multiplied my happiness by infinity. You were great on that mic. Thanks mang. Also, stop calling me fag. All of you were stylin' man. I can't wait to be at all of your weddings. JP and Rok: Fuckin' killing that dance floor as usual. Thanks Gorky Van Peebles. Chester: CHESTUUUURRR! Arnie and JU: You are men. Beautiful Men. Dav and Denise: Sorry for stealing the music. You guys are next! I'm happy for both of you. Feel free to stop by so we can tip cars and smoke meth. Tron: Thanks for your video skills. Imma ride on your back to show my gratitude. Go jousting or something. Good luck to you in your wedding. No beefs, mang. Fairy Godmutha: Thank you for doing all that awesome shit for the wifey's shower/bachelorette party. You still live up to your name. Take care of my future kids, please. Clare and Cat: Yowza. I wish I talked to you guys more. I'll be around though. Thanks for coming. SERIOUSLY HOW ARE WE STILL DOIN' THIS SHIT? ALMOST 15 YEARS AND WE STILL SINGING FOR HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW?!??!?! You guys are my heart. All the parts of my heart not taken by the wifey of course so that doesn't leave much. But whatever, it's heart. Love that shit.

Chicago Rush All Stars

First off, fuck you Table 12. You bastards. Enjoy those three pieces of gum or whatever was in that box. B-Wiz: You are Super Woman. We can't survive in the Chi without you and apparently we can't survive our wedding without you. I have and still always looked up to you. Make sure you make Andrea do just as much, if not more for your big day. Caelan: Polka dot dresses fucking rule. You got that dress on my wifey so I'm giving credit where credit is due. UV and Becks: Sorry sorry sorry sorry. Y'all looked good on the dance floor. Michelle: You were my first money dance! My first John! Thank you for the monies. Liza: You were at Table 12 weren't you. Grr...It's ok. I hope you had a good time. Caroline: You look fabulous. I wish I talked to you more too. Ryan, Dan, and Rob: Whose bright fucking idea was it to dance with me during the money dance? Though I loved clamping down on your buttocks, I felt bad for my wife. My fantasy came true. I was having drinks with my favorite guys and I was double fisted in beards. Face melting!!!! I hope no pictures exist of that. Anyway, I'm going to miss all of you. One more time before I go. Come visit us in Sac. We'll have dishes. And a Car!

Her People
Banana: Looked good out there. I promise we will take time to visit you. It'll be a good excuse to get out of cow-land. Keep Dan. He is a dude. Mona: So awesome of you to be there. That made wifey very happy. All of this because of you. That is a huge deal. Jenn: Mona set it up but you got to knock it down. Smoking(and other things) led me to my future wifey.

Bloc Party
You ripped it on Monday to start the week of wedding. HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY

Holy crap dude. I thought I never see you again and to see you the night before my wedding was madness. Look like you're alright. Seriously I'll hit you up when I move back.


I did my hair like yours. You're always on my mind. I wish you could have seen me.

If I didn't mention you, my ambien is kicking in. The magic week is over. I'll podcast about it before the honeymoon. Anyone want to get on that let me know. I'll record tomorrow or Tuesday.