

Hey cuddlahz and cuddlahettez, lukewarm off the presses is Episode 11 of our fun-loving non-action, non-adventure podcast!

After a tasteless joke by Pierre, Alvin's agent Shawn Manilow takes the show in is his own slimy hands and the direction of the show will never be the same... AGAYNE. Plus the anti-climactic conclusion of Alvin's curse.

PLUS: an exclusive interview with villainous heartthrob Joran Van der sloot's brother, Jacobi! He is none too pleased with his blood broham! Santigold vs. Lady Gaga? Etymological origin of the goddamn vuvuzela! Drunken stories and why Alvin's mom almost didn't go to his wedding! Ketchup on hot dogs: blasphemous? Alvin talks his video game bullsquid and why Judd Apatow is making women pointless in romantic comedies. PLUS: Pierre defends Amanda Bynes even though she seems sorta cunty.

Uploaded July 3, hopefully in time for y'all to listen to while on your way to your 4th of July destination. Be safe all day errday!

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P: @finethanksokay

Spiz: @spizarelli

the show: @madcuddlez