
The Mad Cuddlez Songs of the Aughts

We're about to get ambitious. Pierre and I want to know want you're favorite songs of this decade are. We're going to tally up your nominations, debate, agree, disagree, and then we will reveal a list of 100 songs that defined this decade. Here are some rules when making your lists.

-No restrictions on genre. As long as you can prove that it came out this decade, go for it.

-Song must have been released this decade obviously. For now we're not allowing covers, so they won't be counted if they're on your list.

-Please number your lists. Ranking plays a big part because songs that are ranked at the top will be awarded more points than songs that are lower ranked. Lists that are not numbered will be scored like this: every song on the list will only get one point.

-Please make a list of at least 20 songs. That shouldn't be too tough. Max should be 100 but I won't stop you if you're feeling ambitious. Please don't give me like 500 songs though.

A good resource to start at is Wikipedia. Check what came out each year to get your brain going. I don't have a deadline for this yet, but it'll probably be a month from now. Then we will reveal the list at some point before New Year's. Depending on the participation, we might do more lists, like movies, games, etc but for now we're sticking to music. Email your lists at Thanks doodes.


Paranormal Activity and Why I Don't Bother with the Horror Genre

So Andrea wanted to do something Halloweenish for Halloween and what's more Halloweenish than watching a scary movie on Halloween night? For the most part I don't really watch Halloween movies. Don't get me wrong, I love gore, but I find it silly to watch something that does nothing but startle you. There's a difference between fear and being startled. I'm sure that there are pretty cool horror movies that focus on story and gore, and not just doing the monster closet thing, but I just don't bother searching through all the crap.

Anyway, watching Paranormal Activity had to be one of the funnest movie experiences I've had this year. Not the funnest, but I really enjoyed myself. The whole premise of the movie is that some smart ass thought it would be awesome to document via video camera the demon spirit that has been haunting his current girlfriend since she was a kid. Every night he sets up a camera in their bedroom before they go to sleep, and while they sleep all this funny ass shit happens. Lights turn on and off, doors open and close. It gets progressively worse, and I don't want to spoil too much but I really just started laughing my ass off as the movie got closer to the end. Maybe I'll talk more about my favorite part in the next podcast, but I won't spoil it here. The male protagonist continues to taunt this demon by demanding it show itself, by buying a Ouija board to try to communicate with it, and in the end he learns his lesson. Don't fuck with demons.

The whole idea that people in the theater around me, including Andrea, was buying into this shit was ridiculous. It was hard not to get invested I guess because the two main characters were so likable. The man was funny, charming, and a lovable idiot. The woman was a cute girl next door with a craft table who liked to read. Very approachable characters. Sure some of the stuff that happened was extremely freaky, but I could not ignore the sounds of fright coming from the audience, especially one woman in particular. Thank GAWD that woman was there that night to keep me entertained. She kept saying, "Oh hell no!" "If I was that bitch, I'd get the fuck outta that house!" "If that motha fuckin' demon walks in the bedroom one more time I swear I will leave." Thank you vociferous woman for making that movie entertaining. I was worried to because the movie starts off really slow and lately I've had a tendency to fall asleep during movies in the theater(except for Zombieland because that movie fucking ruled). I also entertained myself by taking pleasure in the fact that Andrea was terrified and I refused to let her use my hand so that she could cover her eyes. I told her, "Why did you spend 12 bucks(12 BUCKS) on a movie if you're just gonna sit here and not watch it?" "Fuck that," I said.



I just want to remind everyone that the entire basis of this blog was for anyone who wanted to contribute could do so. This was meant to be a public domain for anyone to write a letter to someone. Could be someone that reads this blog, could be a letter that was never meant to be read, etc. That's where the whole correspondence thing originates from. I wanted it to be a long formed message board where people could communicate. I also use it for other things. I'm trying to write reviews as much as possible because I still have hope that I can freelance write somewhere and I'd like to have a nice portfolio I can show off.

Anyway, I'm asking for people who want to contribute to this. I'm not going to be snobbish about it at all. All that I ask is that you put something here. It'll keep me honest too. I have to do my part also. Write to us. Someone will respond. Post your art, post your Youtube links, post your mixtapes. Let's share. I think everyone will benefit. Thank you.

Sorry I Haven't Been Around

I promised on last week's podcast to try to write more for this blog. I guess I've been distracted with other things. It's funny because I wanted to do a podcast to support the blog, but all of my attention has been on making a podcast every two weeks or so. I'm going to try my darnedest to write something here daily from now on. Whether it be random thoughts like this or a review of something I meant to review 3 months ago. Something will be up here daily.

I guess I should bring you up to speed on what's been going on with me. I spend most of my days thinking about school and playing with my new cats. First, school has been wonderful. I always told myself that I shouldn't go back to school unless I'm seriously interested in the subject, to the point that I actually do not just homework, but extracurricular activities, as well as supplemental reading. I have been doing all of these things. Working in the sound industry somewhere is something I cannot wait to do. Everyday there are new light bulbs being turned on inside of my head, and that's the best feeling. I mentioned this on Facebook but we're looking for bands to record either this month or next month. You would have to come to Sacramento(obviously) but yeah, free recording if you're interested.

I've had Buster for almost three months now. It seems longer. I love waking up with him next to me. We just got our new cat, Panthro a few days ago, and he seems to be getting along fine with Buster. At first, Buster was the more aggressive one, but I notice that Panthro is becoming more aggressive, and Buster has become more timid. He doesn't purr as much anymore when I pet him or carry him. When they're not play fighting though, they sit and lay together which is awesome. We'll be taking them to the bay this weekend to meet Andrea's mom's cats.

Other than that, it's the same shit with me. Still can't sleep, still playing games, still on Facebook way too much. I'm considering starting a Twitter account. Gotta get with the times you know. Sacramento is still meh, but school is a welcome distraction. Anyway, thanks for reading. Again, I feel terrible for not writing in here as much as I should, but I know that few people read this, and I'm just writing this for me. I'm doing this podcast for me. I like doing it.

Anyone keeping up with porn stars? I'm looking for new ones and I don't know where to start.


Miami Horror - Sometimes

Sometimes from Miami Horror on Vimeo.

maybe top 20 song of this year?