So who cares about that. Your character seems to complain too much, at least in my opinion. Why are you complaining? Dude, you can leap off the tallest buildings in New York, glide down to the street, start chucking cars at tanks, use your arms to stretch out to the helicopter that's now attacking you(a la Dhalsim), hijack the helicopter, and by that point there will be nothing but a fiery mess in front of you. That's the fun I got out of Prototype. I spent most of my time doing the side missions where I would have to sneak into bases by absorbing soldiers. Then I would have to consume the commander to gain more abilities. Everything you do in the game earns you experience(in the game they are called Evolution Points) and you can spend those points to add more abilities. Jump higher, consume faster, new combat moves, and my personal favorite which is the devastator attacks that cover the entire screen. They are indeed devastating.
The combat can be hectic at times. I think they throw too much at you at the end of the game, but I was playing on Normal when I should have been playing on Easy I guess. I should not be surprised about the difficulty spike because you feel so powerful in the game. I mean, what else is the enemies going to do besides throw more challenging enemies at you. Like I said I got more enjoyment out of just blowing up bases, killing as many people as I could, and running and skipping through Manhattan as fast as I could. I think so far Prototype is my favorite game of the summer, but I haven't played much. I played Resident Evil 5 but I don't think I enjoyed it as much as Prototype. I'm not saying you should buy it because a lot of people are tired of these open world/sandbox games, but I think that the addition of these crazy ass killing powers should warrant at least a rental.