

Oh man. Guys and girls. This game is so fun. Forget the story, just mash on A and the start button. Well, if you need a little bit of story then here you go. You wake up and you've been genetically modified. You can jump real high, your appendages can morph into claws or whips or sharp blades, and you can absorb, or consume people and take their form and their memories. You don't know why or how this has happened to you. So you go on a killing spree through Manhattan to find the truth. It's you against the army and eventually the people because they're mutating as well.

So who cares about that. Your character seems to complain too much, at least in my opinion. Why are you complaining? Dude, you can leap off the tallest buildings in New York, glide down to the street, start chucking cars at tanks, use your arms to stretch out to the helicopter that's now attacking you(a la Dhalsim), hijack the helicopter, and by that point there will be nothing but a fiery mess in front of you. That's the fun I got out of Prototype. I spent most of my time doing the side missions where I would have to sneak into bases by absorbing soldiers. Then I would have to consume the commander to gain more abilities. Everything you do in the game earns you experience(in the game they are called Evolution Points) and you can spend those points to add more abilities. Jump higher, consume faster, new combat moves, and my personal favorite which is the devastator attacks that cover the entire screen. They are indeed devastating.

The combat can be hectic at times. I think they throw too much at you at the end of the game, but I was playing on Normal when I should have been playing on Easy I guess. I should not be surprised about the difficulty spike because you feel so powerful in the game. I mean, what else is the enemies going to do besides throw more challenging enemies at you. Like I said I got more enjoyment out of just blowing up bases, killing as many people as I could, and running and skipping through Manhattan as fast as I could. I think so far Prototype is my favorite game of the summer, but I haven't played much. I played Resident Evil 5 but I don't think I enjoyed it as much as Prototype. I'm not saying you should buy it because a lot of people are tired of these open world/sandbox games, but I think that the addition of these crazy ass killing powers should warrant at least a rental.


It's So Hard

That's all I can tell myself these last couple of days. I wake up with the single intention that I have to make this new home of ours as comfortable as possible for my wife who has had her first week of her new career. She has been given Hematology/Oncology first, which is(according to her and her peers)the most difficult rotation to have. She wakes up a little bit before 5am and does not come home until 8pm at the latest.

I go on the internet looking for simple(keyword: SIMPLE)recipes that I can cook that evening. I scrub floors, I vacuum, I water plants, I clear off disorganized coffee tables, I wash dishes, I pick up things at the grocery store, I pick up the mail. I have a hot meal ready as soon as she walks into the door, disheveled and red-eyed. No matter what I do to make her happy, because of the long work day she just had, she can do nothing but flop into my arms, her arms around my ever growing belly, crying on my shoulder. "I'm so tired, Alvin" she whimpers into my ear. I have to bite my lip because we both shouldn't cry but I really want to.

I have no words. I just try to console her with an encouraging rub of the back. Doing that feels so pathetic though because the tears do not stop. I know nothing about the hardships of medical school. I start to feel guilty everytime she comes home completely exhausted because other than doing chores and errands, I'm not working or going to school which I should be doing. It feels like nothing I do matters. She will come home and cry no matter how clean the apartment or how warm and delicious the meal that I just nervously put together tastes.

I tell her about how horrible I feel, and she tries to tell me that what I'm doing is very helpful, but I'm not being receptive to her positive comments. I am not the cause of her pain and I should not take responsibility for all of the wet shoulders I have had to attend to. Still, I hate seeing her like this. Hopefully the next three weeks will go by swiftly. I'm going to do everything my wife needs me to do so that she can make it though this.


My First Michael Jackson Memory

I was in a bedroom wearing nothing but an oversized Bart Simpson t-shirt that I would sleep in. Michael came inside the bedroom...


I don't remember much of my life before I was 6 years old, but I do remember going to the Philippines when I was 4 or 5. The three things I still remember to this day are:

-Eating at a burger place called "Pac Man Burger." Even when I was that age I was a fussy eater and I remember my parents taking to burger places a lot during that trip. I question my memories because I can't find any proof on the internet that this place existed. Obviously this was before Manny's time, so when I search for "Pac Man Burger Philippines" I get nothing remotely close to what I'm looking for. Oh internets, you're useless. KIDDING AGAIN

-Getting attacked by a little lap dog. I don't know what I did exactly, but the result of my actions were torn skin, blood, and a lifetime fear of dogs. I don't mind older dogs but I usually just avoid contact with dogs whenever possible.

-Finally, I remember watching "Thriller" for the first time. My brother and I'm guessing it was a cousin of mine were going into another bedroom with a Betamax tape. Of course I followed them like any little brother would. They're going in the other room to watch something cool. I don't think I made it to the entire thing. I enjoyed the music of course, but I think I ran out after Michael changed for the second time in the video. Which sucks because that's when the famous dance sequence happens.

I think that it's interesting that watching Thriller was something I remember. I don't remember much about my early years but I remember that. I was too young to realize how innovative that video was but I had never seen anything like that before then. Watching that video again today I really think that all of the effects, particularly the transformation at the beginning, could still hold up today. It looks really well done. I can go on and on but I don't have to. Everyone loved that video.