
academy of science

the new academy of science re-opens in golden gate park and it looks fucking awesome. the "largest green museum in the world" and its free today along with all the extra fanfare a grand opening would include. its been a roller coaster of a summer and lately not been too much to be excited about but this at least is excitement for a day. to escape the dismal reality for at least a few hours if not an afternoon.

ps. a true american would look you in the eye when speaking and spoken to not matter how compelling the argument. avoid the windows to the soul because the soul is a fallacy.


orangu_Tan said...

after the morning excitement about the academy i made the trek out to the city to find myself in the midst of traffic. after securing a parking spot along side the park i walked a good 15 blocks to the wonderful new building to find a bunch of shit going on in the surrounding areas. i came up to the entrance to find a line to get in which unfortunately stretched around waaaaaay to the other side almost completely around back to the entrance... failure. i was not going to stand in line for 2-3 hours so i'll have to come back some other time.. boo. all in all a waste of 4 hours. nice.


that sux... but i just listened to an radio clip about the magazine and you can take a virtual tour here :

apparently this is being heralded as the 'greenest museum in the world' complete with a living roof and a shot out to the phillipines with a living coral reef tank. hopefully it wont be to crowded may we could go check it in november if u dont get a chance to visit between now n then