Sometimes it feels like I'm riding this carousel and I am sitting there, feeling the horse bob and flow but not moving its legs, bob and flow in circles with music that is gratuitiously cutesy.
And I want to get off, but first I'd need to know how to get off. Of course I know that if I were to move away from a horse that is going at least less than 1mph and safely jump out of the carousel then I can leave it and its lusterless white paint, its braying twinkly music, it's turtle-like momentum of moving stationarily. But what next? What can I explore when I get off? It's not like options are bountiful at this moment. So I stay in the carousel, noticing how other people on the ride seem to be oblivious or enjoying it. I notice how the gold pillars sticking the horses and carriages to the carousel are rusted and that the music is monotonous.

I'm amped to see The Wrestler. I have yet to see The Fountain but I liked Requiem For A Dream and thought Pi was just the most gruesome pleasure to watch.
This is an article about Mickey Rourke's comeback from this movie. He is getting Oscar buzz.
Plus it's about pro wrestling although I am more interested in the backstage going-ons and the territorial history of wrestling now rather than watch the actual wrestling. Something about Chris Benoit's death has left me empty about a travelling road show of people that made money by trying to suspend your disbelief. I think I am more interested in mixed martial arts. Humourosly, if I see monster truck racing on the television I tend to watch it now.
The mythology of pro wrestling as folk-art though will always leave me wanting more. It's like Valley of the Dolls with latent homo-erotic dudes ravaging their bodies. I am glad Brock Lesnar left the business before he became Jake "The Snake" or some other godawful cautionary tale for living life in excess.

I am still on this ride, noticing how the grass is growing in increments of centimeters until a lawnmower comes by to keep it tidy. There are many fun things in this carousel if I stop and think about. There is too much not to love and sometimes I wonder about the carousels you guys are riding. Hopefully it stops on your terms and maybe we can have the power to re-decorate it or change the music or alter the horses to become like Studebakers or something.
Everyone's getting married isn't that a trip. With gay marriage being legal maybe Lewdogg can fulfill his dream as well. Have you guys seen him lately? How's he doing?

I can't wait for football. I can't wait for Christmas or watching your kids or nieces or goddaughters or sugar mommas grown up and I will fix their teeth. I can't wait for lying down on sand and maybe swimming in the summertime. Ten years ago feels like an eternity doesn't it? It's better to know you're in the carousel than thinking the ride is real.
Frenetically anxious,
why does that guy interviewing - is that basquiat? - looks so strangely familiar?
yeah it's basquiat
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