If you look at the Golden State Warriors current active roster I am older than all but three of their players. I lack upside now and at my peak when combining physical skill and court awareness. How do you feel about that?
I would be the guy who would remember Leah Remini as Stacy Carosi first while they might think of her as the girl from King of Queens.

I would be journeyman. It's not about potential anymore it's about action and action is just a word to begin a scene. People would look to me for advice and I would look at them and try to sound confident all the while looking at the sky for a sign that I can manufacture as optimism.
I mean, I guess if I was a Spurs fan I would look at the roster and think I still have time to be something somebody somewhere. But I am a Warriors fan, where hope springs eternal as long as we can bitch about Chris Cohan.
The average career of an NBA player is 5 years so actually I might be out of the league already, using my nominal fame for a capitalist venture that could lead to the snickers of know-it-all 22 year olds more than willing to tell their friends I sucked.

I was under the impression my quarter-life crisis is over and done with, maybe it's just a continuous accumulation of knowledge and comparisons to what my ceiling is that considers the stares at the sky, trying to pinpoint the one star that can indulge into my narcissism all like "Hey it's OK buddy we gotcha back."
Work work work it work work work it.

I've been meaning to write bout The Game by Neil Strauss because the book has fascinated me much in the same way The Three Stooges did when I was something-or-other years old. I'm also listening to Howard Zinn's A Peoples History the United States which is narrated by Matt Damon and all I can think when I read it is "victimz".
I've been so encumbered by something so mischeviously manipulative that when I'm watching an interview between Letterman and Brian Williams I'm thinking "woah he just dropped a neg there. Way to take control of the interview."
But these things are for social robots and the like whereas I'm more inclined to be a hermit robot at the moment, creating a gang sign for an army of one and smiling at strangers while meaning it, motherfuckers.
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