
25 Day Challenge(Update)

Very interested in Fallout 3. Hit Level 10 and I have an abundance of death dealing tools. However, Crackdown is funner than I thought it would be. The first time I played it I got bored after 10 minutes. Now I can't stop playing Crackdown. I don't even do the missions. I'd rather find energy orbs and do rooftop races. Dibs, CJ, buy Crackdown. You can find that for 20 bucks. I want to play some co-op. Back to Fallout, this is the first time I've wanted to play the game since I got it for Christmas. Before, I just played it out of guilt, or for achievements. None of which I recieved because you have to play the game.

Anyway, with Crackdown and Phoenix Wright, I don't know if I'm going to finish Fallout 3. Also need to play Peggle and SF IV. I'm not even going to bother with Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.

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