I was hoping for some funny jokes or some profane commentary, but all he does is talk about how great the events are that he's attending. He promotes his appearances, and he interacts with his followers, but not really anything funny there in his updates. I guess he's saving all that for the shows. No free comedy on Twitter. Unfollowing...now.
I decided on day one that I'm going to follow porn stars. I was too afraid to join porn star fan clubs on MySpace and Facebook, but for whatever reason I said, "Whatever, fuck it" when it comes to Twitter. To be honest, most porn star Twitter feeds are pretty boring. They go shoot, they come home, they go to sleep, repeat. Occasionally you'll get some iPhone pics of them and their goodies which is cool. Teagan sticks out in my mind, not because she is boring, but she's just really annoying to read. All she does is talk about how great her husband and kids are. She talks about how much better of a man her husband is than all other men. She talks about how she picks up her kids from various activities. Can there be no bigger turn off for a porn viewer than a porn star talking non-stop about her husband and kids? I think not. She did post some pics for the first time yesterday since I started following her, but I don't know if that will be enough to keep me following her.
One fucking tweet? GAH It's not fair. =(
I mean she's not even following anyone. Why open an account?
That last one was kind of a cop out. I'm the idiot for not unfollowing her. I'm hoping that one day she'll get on the ball and talk about how great the spaghetti that Ben Gibbard made was.
I guess that's all. Just those three. Which is pretty good considering I'm following 126 people after only one week of joining. For the most part Twitter is amazing. It's the people that make it so amazing. Awww, group hug.
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