
Start of the week in brief

-I voted today. Just skip all the bullshit and do it already if you can.

-Got my wisdom teef' removed. Rockin' the vicodinz, but it's not that great. Might be better with a Sam Adams Oktoberfest, but not today. Also got super charged ibuprofen, and some antibiotix.

-Actually listened to the new Bloc Party and judged it way too early. With the exception of one or two songs, "Intimacy" makes me feel like I'm at a BP show. "A Weekend in the City" didn't make me feel like that. I was head knocking so hard I fucking loved it. Good album.

-Played Call of Duty 4 for the first time in months. Yup, still suck at it. I thought the vicodinz would help me not suck.

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