1. Some movies I would not mind watching
Four movies have been in my crosshairs lately and if you've been within earshot or laptop from me you will very well know they are The Wrestler, Role Models, Zack and Miri Make a Porno and JCVD.

The Wrestler: I've pontificated about that shit for awhile; redemption, Mickey Rourke, folding chairs, barbed-wire bats, etc. I'm a sucker for that has-been underdog story and sometimes if its good enough then I don't mind it being predictable.
People are hanging onto this angle that this is both Mickey Rourke's and Darren Aranofsky's comeback movies. Certain film fans think this is Aranofsky slumming it after the supposedly esoteric The Fountain bombed (I did not watch the movie but fwiw I wouldn't mind viewing that bad boy) and aiming for a more accessible movie.
To be honest, I don't really care either way I just want to watch the thing. The expectations in my head are way too out there and sometimes I think its because some wrestling fans crave for their stupid little fake fighting world to be legitimate in the eyes of others. Jeff Jarrett said it best when he said "For those that understand, no explanation is necessary. For those that don't no explanation will work."
Honestly, that's the stance I'm gonna take as to why I love this movie and its idea and concept before I've even seen it. I'm not scared it won't live up to my expectations like other movies I jocked hella hard because the fact that they got these people to make this movie seems like a victory already. Vince McMahon thinks that the success of The Wrestler will revitalize his show but it has nothing to do with wrestling and it has everything to do with being off-the-grid and being on the fringe of a society expecting that's hellbent on discarding you when you are of no use anymore. So yeah, I guess it IS about wrestling.

Role Models: Dudes from Apatow's crew, David Wain's "The State/Reno 911" crew, Stiffler, Elizabeth Banks (who seems like she's aiming for most girlfriend/wife characters in a span of a career) and that little black kid who makes me laugh.
Look at the rollcall, motherfuckers. Look at this resume of movies this collective has made separately and together:
-Wet Hot American Summer
-American Pie
-The 40-Year Old Virgin
-Let's All Go To Prison
-Forgetting Sarah Marshall
-Knocked Up
-Reno 911: Miami
-The State
-Dude, Where's My Car
That fucking list looks like a facebook/myspace favorite movie/tv list of your mookie-ass friend and/or your nerdy-ass riend who you love to death. And this, is why I am amped.

"When I am making love to my wife in a clumsy manner but rich with sarcastic and verbose dirty talk (aka Kevin Smithing it) I am thinking of your finely sculpted torso that diabolical wenches seem to take for granted. Damn you to Fuckville, the capital of Hell, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez."
Zack and Miri: I've lessened my slurping the knob of Kevin Smith as I've gotten older, but it doesn't stop and although I'm really lukewarm to this movie I can't ever really drop some haterade on the dude (and I can probably think of a long-ass list of things that annoy me about the View Askewniverse but most of it doesn't involve filmmaking and I'd be a bitch to disregard something someone makes because because they intermittently annoy me AND IN NON-REAL LIFE TOO LIKE I NEVER MET THE GUY (i.e., Roman Polanski and Chinatown). Plus, dude introduced the world properly to Jason Lee and for that I can never completely loathe something as self-indulgent and kind of ridiculously livejournally a movie as Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back.

JCVD: Van Damme in the most meta fucking idea. Mind blown.
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