
Nothing in Particular: Quick n' dirty grab bag

-Esquire Magazine is celebrating their 75th anniversary by republishing their seven greatest stories online. I've read Tom Junod's "The Falling Man" and have seen the documentary, both probably the best 9/11 article that's been written, looking at the human factor in fine detail as opposed to broad strokes. I've heard really stuff about CJ Shiver's "The School" and I'm planning on reading that when I have time.

It also contains this.

-In the great mp3 breakdown of 2008 wherein my laptop is straight vegetable status I've lost a shitload of music, school documents, files, pornography that I hate having, a handful of words I was going to use for future projects and pictures that say 1,000 words each (most oft-used word of the thousands when seeing those pictures: "what the fuck...") and I'm trying to rebuild them. If any of you guys have "Stand On the Word" by Celestial Choir please please please send it my way and I will provide proper compensation (a polite "thank you"?). As an aside, "Don't Rush Me" by Jean Grae has been my pep talk song since I've moved to the Philippines and it's nice that it's released proper in a very well-made album with the sickest alternate album covers.

-Fantasy football is consuming me, yelling at the television, the laptop. Tony Kornheiser is annoying me and he's my hack journalist dog, parlaying average into entertaining so it pains me to say that he sucks in the booth.

-Probably the funnest blog around right now (read: not my favorite or the best) is 1001 Rules For My Unborn Son. I don't necessarily agree with everything, but conceptually its execution is kind of on-point.

-Dancing in your underwear: Great thing or the greatest thing?

-For some reason something abso-freaking-lutely inconsequential had me in a downer mood for like a couple hours until I started working on my dental shit and then played Out of the Park Baseball for 3 hours. If people were completely honest with everyone else then everyone would hate everyone but then you'd also have the balls to find out what you hope for is true. Am I making sense?


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